USC events are open to everyone regardless of gender, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, ability, age, size, physical appearance, or religion.
The expectation for staff, volunteers, customers, visitors, toe tappers, dancers, and musicians is to treat each other with respect, dignity and fairness.
The USC Collective
- be a supportive member of the community
- volunteer to help when you see an opportunity
- encourage interaction and experimentation (and fun) on the dance floor as well as on the musical stage
- make an effort to include people who are new
- help create an intergenerational jazz collective by intentionally interacting with people of all ages and generations and roles (dancer, musician, toe tapper)
Respect and Dignity
- strive to be non-judgmental
- refrain from making inappropriate and unwanted comments
- apologize if you accidentally bump into or make unwanted physical contact with someone
- ask others to dance, while being mindful of their time and interest
- turn down a request to dance/jam, if you don’t want to dance/jam
Health and Safety
- be considerate of participant and audience safety, comfort, and personal choice
- use safe floorcraft and stagecraft
- no air steps (aerials)
- make a habit of good personal hygiene
- wear a mask if required by the PHO, or as a courtesy to your dance partner if they request it
- take care of yourself and others by staying home if you feel ill and screening for symptoms of illness
- increase safety for everyone
- report any unusual behaviour to a staff member or volunteer
Reporting Unsafe Incidences at Uptown Swing Collective Events
Increasing Safety at USC Events [PDF]